1-1 Transformational Journey to Nourish your Life into Alignment
You Are
A recovering perfectionist who feels like you have to DO IT ALL - ALL AT ONCE + HAVE EVERYTHING ACCOMPLISHED YESTERDAY!
A big-hearted generous woman, who seems to always give more than she receives
Craving accountability + partnership in getting your daily life in line with your heart + soul
Trying to regain your footing since the world turned upside-down.
Functioning on autopilot, going through the motions
Over-functioning, over-obligated, over-whelmed, yet under-prioritized
A current massage therapy client, but wish for more time in our sessions devoted to the pursuit of your health & wellness goals
Ready to make a full-out commitment to your well-being.
You Feel
Like you can’t prioritize yourself without letting people down.
Adrift after MANY years of persistent global stressOverwhelmed by the amount of wellness information (+ misinformation) + don't know where to start, or even what is correct + true anymore, it just feels too complicated.
Disenchanted in your daily life, + you don't recognize yourself in it.
Misaligned on your life’s pathDepleted
You Have
A big heart + a big vision for your life + the impact you could have, but you’re caught up in obligations for other people.
A feeling that there HAS to be more to lifeA very full plate, but your self-care is the meatball that rolled out the door.
A project idea you’ve been kicking around, but haven’t yet been able to get it off the ground
A strong desire to change things
Motivation + strategies, but never seem to make it work, or follow through on your own.
Fuzzy boundaries that keep you stuck.
You Know
“What to do” but just can't seem to get started, let alone follow through.
There’s more to wellness than celery juice + bubble baths
Now is the time to pivot
You can have an impact on this world, if only you had the time, energy, + bandwidth
You need a loving kick in the pants to start creating the life you thought you’d have by now.
You Wish
You could prioritize yourself,
+ your wellbeing, without guiltYou could re-discover the sense of hope + wonder you had for your life
For a life of greater ease, + less pressure
To unsubscribe from patriarchal mindsets + oppressive patterns that work against your joy
Wellness could be simple
To be deeply seen for who you are
You could serve from love, not resentment.
At last you have the spaciousness in your calendar, the physical energy, + the mental bandwidth to finally contribute your heart + talents to your community, healing our planet, + tending to those big issues that cause you the most heartache.
Biweekly Virtual Wellness Sessions (up to 90 minutes each) focused on a Core Life Pillar while also meeting you exactly where you are on that day.
Together we will strategize how to bring your vision to liffe by designing the empowering systems + supportive structures necessary to make your journey to your goals feel EASEFUL, and ATTAINABLE
For non-negotiable follow through, we stay connected through voice memo or text using an app called Voxer.
I will be ready and waiting in your back pocket to stay celebrate your wins, help you hop off the struggle bus, address any questions, and share powerful and aligned resources.
Ensuring you won’t get stuck.
Collaborating on the "HOW" of your results, you will leave each session with a customized set of action steps, so you know exactly what to do to fully embody + bring to life the results you want to create.
This ensures you have the structure + accountability in place for aligned + easeful follow through,
You stand on solid ground, your cup is full, + you can give freely of the overflow.
Open to receiving, because you are just as worthy of the care you extend to others
Living with intention, on-purpose, in line with your vision
Fulfilled, enchanted, nourished, at ease, proud of + at home in the live you’ve cultivated for yourself
Calm, refreshed, + reset
Confident in your choices
Like your life finally belongs to YOU
Like you are ENOUGH.
The bandwidth + energetic capacity to be able to live with a full cup, & give generously from the overflow into your communities & the world.
A self- care routine that aligns with your lifestyle
Permission to put yourself at the top of your priority list
A clear vision of the life you’re creating
Full trust in your inner knowing
The accountability + partnership in getting your daily life in line with your heart + soul
The confidence to set clear boundaries that honor your time + capacity
How to activate your drive + devotion to support your intentions
The exact steps to take to bring your vision to life + embody it each day
How to adjust your sails along the way, to pivot or stay on course
How to support yourself with structures around meal planning + prepping, movement + mindfulness practices
How to take exquisite care of yourself, in ways that make sense to YOU
The limitless ripple effect your impact has on our world
How to continue to cultivate the life you’ve imagined
Biweekly 1-1 sessions with Caitlin (up to 90 minutes)✓ BACK POCKET COACHING
Stay connected, supported + refreshed
You know exactly what your next steps are to stay on track + keep moving forward✓ BONUSES
Intentional Meal Planning EBook ($35 value)
Aligned Visioning Planner ($35 value)
FREE access to any workshops I host throughout the duration of your program ($35-$500 value)
Special Alumni Rates for any future program you register for within a 6 months of this programs completionINVESTMENT OPTIONS
3 Months - $2500
6 Months - $5000
Payment Plans are available
My master plan:
Is that you will open up spaciousness in your calendar, the physical energy, + the mental bandwidth to finally contribute your heart + talents to your community, healing our planet, + tending to those big issues that cause you the most heartache.
Because when women are supported, confident, thriving, + aligned, the entire world feels the ripple effect.
What People Are Saying
“I would give 10 stars for Caitlin if I could.”
I've worked with Caitlin as a coach for most of 2022 and I can truly say she has changed my life.
My work with Caitlin has really helped me clarify my vision and build an actionable plan to achieve it. ”
— Megan G.
“I always leave feeling so refreshed”
“You can tell she truly cares about her clients as people and not just someone spending time on her table.
I always look forward to my time with her…speaking of, time to schedule my next visit!”
— Emily D.
“She knows so much about health and nutrition”
(she taught me how to massage my kale for better salads)
She listens so carefully that she knows what info is relevant and helpful to share.
Caitlin is a real gem and I always leave a session feeling like I got what I hoped for, plus some other insight or knowledge that I wasn’t expecting!”
— Katie S.
“Caitlin clearly has great skill and extensive experience.”
“She is warm, responsive, uses a variety of techniques, and suggests things to do to recover and heal.
Combine that with a warm, engaging personality, and you will never be disappointed. She is amazing!”
— V

“You’re supposed to be the leading lady of your own life for god’s sake!”
“The Holiday”
I am here to to support you in creating a more easeful, spacious, & aligned life, whether that begins in your MUSCLES 💪 your MEALS 🌮 or your MINDSET 🧠
I love what I do, & am driven by a really strong ‘why’.
My secret agenda is that I believe that I can help you free up A TON of energetic, physical, & mental bandwidth
Generating an overflow from which you can give generously, & pour your gifts into your community & our world.
My most favorite people to work with are the helpers, the healers, the space-holders, the caretakers, + the people who carry so much for others.
My clients come to me because I bring to the table the perfect combination of Practical Science & Practical Magic 🌙
After over 15 years of:
Devoting my studies + career to working (sometimes literally!) hands-on with my clients as a massage therapist + coach
Supporting my clients in finding the sources of + reducing their pain
Making sure they feeling seen + heard
Teaching + guiding them in implementing “do-able” health + wellness habits + rituals
Exploring the ins + outs of wellness trends
Spending money (I probably shouldn't have) on products I thought would bring me to happiness, contentment, + radiance, only to gather dust in a drawer (looking at you $200 juicer)
Working with my own coaches to evolve past limiting beliefs, + completely change my life
I've come to learn exactly how important it is to lead your life from a well resourced + discerning inner compass.
I have learned to check in with myself, ASK QUESTIONS + really discern if something is going to be good for me.
I am continuously learning + teaching about boundaries + how to set them (with myself, my schedule, other humans, + even my dog!) in a way that feels kind + compassionate, + gives me the spaciousness I need, in order to live my life in line with my heart.
I have learned a way of planning my nourishment in a way that gives me both structure + FREEDOM.
I have also learned what happens when I forget all of it, + let myself go under-tended:
When I lose my intention, my vision, my target:
The laundry + dishes pile up
I lose my keys more than normal
I'm making microwave taquitos for more meals than I care to admit
I'm unkind to people I love
I'm short with my ridiculously adorable dog, who totally doesn't deserve it
I'm consuming more than I'm creating
I feel tired, sluggish, bored, like I've reached the end of Netflix + the entire internet.
it sucks.
I find that spark of inspiration, that leads to a choice, that leads to a FLOW, that leads to a VAST improvement in how I am experiencing my life.
I know precisely how good it feels to re-connect to a lost piece of myself:
Leading my life with intention
Feeling fully supported, + to know how to ask for it
Feeling a deep inhalation in my center
Sensing the wonder of Dorothy stepping into full technicolor OZ.
Embodying the moxie Kathy Bates’ character, Evelyn Couch, experiences in Fried Green Tomatoes - TOWANDA!
Pulsing with the freedom of Baby boogying down the dock in Dirty Dancing
It’s a priceless energy that CAN’T be faked
That energy becomes contagious
I can see the ripple effect enhance the lives of people around me, creating a flow of positive impact that changes the world.

What gets to happen when you live in full alignment?