3 Ways to Recommit to Your Goals this Spring

Our lives are created and curated not necessarily by bold, massive changes, but by small shifts of the rudder, guiding us on course. 
Just like New Years - I look at the transition of each season as an invitation to look back and review on where we've been, root into the present and assess where we are now, then to look forward into what we want to create in our lives for our future selves. 
Looking forward into this Spring, what is possible for you in the next 90 days?

How can you commit to the future you say you want by making small changes today?
I've outlined 3 Ways to Recalibrate your Spring Goals, to make this super easy for you 

1. Revisit your Vision Board

Check in on the goals you set for yourself at the turn of the new year, and really feel into them.

  • How is your body resonating with the words and images?

  • Does it still feel like an aligned fit? What can you re-prioritize?

  • Are there certain goals or intentions you’ve forgotten about for no other reason than sometimes life just gets in the way? How can you make room to bring these to life?

  • What has been your biggest roadblock to moving closer to this vision + what can you do to clear it?

Make a list of 3 things you can do this week to magnetize yourself back into alignment with the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of, and put them on your calendar.

2. Buddy System - Recruit an accountability buddy who shares a similar goal

If your intention is to move your body more regularly, but without the smell of the gym, or the pressure of an end result - invite a friend for a weekly walking date!

Get outside, watch the world change in this new season, and build upon a bond with a person in your community.

You may find that as you show up for yourself and your buddy regularly, you’ll see a beautiful ripple effect in other areas of your life as well

Pick a goal
Think of a friend who may share that vision
Send the text
Set the date😉
DON'T CANCEL😉 (tempting as it may be)

3.  Go BIG - Commit to yourself for an ENTIRE season

What would be possible for you by the Summer Solstice if you truly committed to yourself, and the life you really want for just 12 weeks?

  • How would your life change?

  • How would you feel in your body?

  • What would you no longer worry about?

  • How much bandwidth would you free up?

  • How would that enhance the positive impact you could have on the world?

Pick one thing to regularly commit to for 12 weeks that will support the future you're trying to create.

Watch as this one micro-movement ripples out into each branch of your life and take note of the positive changes this creates.

If you've tried this already, and struggled to follow through, I would LOVE to support you in actually making this happen.

I am opening up room for 3 people in my wellness program Recalibrate to begin during the month of April, and I’d love to chat to see if how I can support you through this season.

I work with people who are ready to move out of the loop of feeling like everything and everything else owns their life and time, and transition to a place where there is an abundance of overflow in time and energy to invest in their vision for the world.

Book your free Discovery Call today!


How to FINALLY Commit to your Morning Routine